
Rave Computer Names Blackmer New President

STERLING HEIGHTS — Rave Computer, the Sterling Heights-based provider of computer hardware, modeling and simulation technology and IT services for the private sector and defense industry, announced that Sara Blackmer had been named the company’s new president, succeeding Rick Darter, a co-founder of the company established in 1988. Blackmer joined the company last year as

By |2017-10-27T13:10:33-04:00October 27th, 2017|ESD|

Rave CEO Darter Talks About National Modeling & Simulation Conference Sept. 26 In Dearborn

ROYAL OAK - Rave Computer CEO Rick Darter outlines the National Modeling & Simulation Coalition conference Sept. 26 at the Henry in Dearborn. It will feature speakers from around the country who will describe how these digital tools are used, and how they are becoming an industry - in other parts of the country but

By |2017-09-22T08:00:55-04:00September 22nd, 2017|M2 TechCast, Podcasts|

National Modeling, Simulation, Visualization Conference Comes To Dearborn Sept. 26

DEARBORN - If you want to learn more about Modeling, Simulation and Visualization than there’s a national conference on Sept. 26 at the Henry Hotel in Dearborn that you will want to attend. The Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Coalition is hosting its national conference in Michigan, the first time this meeting has been held outside

By |2017-09-14T12:33:41-04:00September 14th, 2017|Featured, News|