ROYAL OAK – On M2 TechCast Aug. 13, Joe Veryser, LTU campus architect, talks about all the high tech touches in our new dorm, and all the other real estate projects under way on campus this summer.

Ami Dotan, President and CEO of Karamba Security, warns you if a Chinese company called Keen Lab calls, pick the phone up on the first ring.

Tember Shea, Director of the InGAGE Program at Inforum, interviews Ashleigh Laabs, Founder and CEO, A. Victoria Mae, which provides support for small to mid-size businesses, while specializing in business growth strategy development, marketing strategies, strategic project management, and event strategy solutions.

Dan Springston, vice president of Field Operations at BullsEye Telecom, discusses the company’s newest product VirtualTech.

M2 Techcast is heard live Monday’s from 2 to 3 pm at You also can listen to archived shows on demand by clicking on M2 TechCast at MITechNews.Com.