DETROIT – Terry Bean, best known for creating Motor City Connect 13 years ago, has expanded his social media outreach by co-creating #ClubMCC.

The official launch will be May 28 in Ferndale during the monthly MCC lunch meet-up.

“Over the past couple of months I’ve been lining up a group of people for whom I have a lot of respect,” Bean said. “We shared some time, laughs and business opportunities since coming together. It’s time to expand the group.”

Terry Bean

The four principles that really drive #ClubMCC are:

  1. Being of service- similar to givers gain the idea that in order to succeed in networking you have to serve others first is core to our belief and existence. Networking only works if you do. A big part of that work is serving others.
  2. Enlightened entrepreneurship- We want to network with like minded professionals who understand that personal growth and improved community is as important as the growth of their business.
  3. Collaborative connectors- This principle is based on the desire to network with others who see opportunities everywhere and want to work together to make sure those opportunities are realized.
  4. Fans of fun- Honestly if having fun isn’t on your weekly to do list, this club isn’t for you.

“These principles not only serve as our guiding lights, they also serve to disqualify potential members. Ask yourself if these four ideals resonate with you. If they don’t,  we are probably not a good fit for one another.”

What do Club Members Get?

In simplest terms #ClubMCC members get quality connections, specialized learning and additional exposure.

Quality connections– the principles listed above dictate the type of folks who are in the club. Those who believe in serving others, collaborating and connecting are the exact type of people you need in your professional life. They are in the club.

The specialized learning takes place not only in the traditional #MCCLive events, but also through monthly webinars and training series. #ClubMCC members receive a substantial discount (in some cases free access) to these classes. Over time we will be building a resource library (members can contribute as well) that will to help members grow in their business and lives.

The additional exposure comes in many ways. From simple posts featuring the member of the week to introducing yourself first at meetings to private, club member only meetings.

“If you’re still reading you are likely thinking this sounds like a fit for me. Great. But let me ask you…are you a fit for the club?”

Answer these questions:

Are you the type of person who makes things happen?

Are you willing to give without regard to getting?

Do people consider you an influencer in your industry or community?

Will you commit to doing your best to help others in the club when you can?

“If you gave an emphatic yes to each of these questions we definitely want to talk with you.

“If you’re the type of person who is ready to do big things, likes a discount and knows the goods when they see them, sign up for the annual membership and save $90 off the monthly rate.”

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