LONDON, England – Human civilization could be wiped out by “super predator” extraterrestrial artificial intelligence, a world-leading UFO expert claims.

Nick Pope, the former head of the UK Ministry of Defense’s “UFO desk,” told The U.S. Sun that we may one day encounter “immortal thinking machines” created by an advanced civilization from elsewhere in the universe.

And he fears that alien AI could see competing lifeforms such as human beings as a potential threat to its own existence.

But the revolutionary technology may also help humans come up with a strategy to reach out to such a civilization or detect extraterrestrial fingerprints hidden in already available data.

Speaking exclusively to The U.S. Sun at a Secret Space Program conference held in Silicon Valley, Pope said: “What technologies would a civilization significantly ahead of ours have?

“Propulsion systems, obviously; energy sources, but also biotech and artificial intelligence.

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