New Products

Amazon’s Latest Way To Hook You – Cellphone Bill Of $10 Or Even Free

SEATTLE - Amazon may soon be dangling yet another perk in front of prospective Prime members: the chance to save big on your monthly cellphone bill. The company is in talks with wireless carriers about potentially offering a Prime Wireless plan that could range from $0 to $10 per month for Amazon Prime members, Bloomberg reported

By |2023-06-03T18:11:57-04:00June 3rd, 2023|Featured, New Products, New Products / Contracts|

Comcast RISE To Award 100 Small Businesses In Metro Detroit With $5000 Grant Packages

DETROIT – Comcast announced a new round of 100 businesses in Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne counties will receive comprehensive grant packages that include business consultation services, educational resources, a $5,000 monetary grant, creative production, media schedule, and a technology makeover. Comcast RISE is committed to supporting the growth of all small businesses, while advancing

By |2023-05-21T17:58:37-04:00May 21st, 2023|Featured, New Products, New Products / Contracts|

March Madness Propelled Michigan Sports Betting Wagering By 20 Percent In March

LANSING - The Michigan Gaming Control Board released its March sports betting revenue report showing a 20 percent increasing from February do largely to college basketball wagering on March Madness. "Michigan definitely felt the March Madness this past month, and as predicted, recovered from February's post-Super Bowl sports betting losses," said analyst Dru James.

By |2023-04-23T10:19:52-04:00April 23rd, 2023|New Products, New Products / Contracts|

Consumers Installs Automatic Transfer Reclosers To Improve Reliability

JACKSON–Consumers Energy announced plans to install 123 new automatic transfer reclosers in 2023 to help prevent power outages and improve electric reliability for customers. The energy provider’s investment in automation is a key part of the company’s overall electric reliability plan that aims to reduce both the number and length of power outages. ATRs are

Lacks To Supply Carbon Fiber Wheels For 2023 Dodge Challenger Demon

GRAND RAPIDS – Lacks Enterprises Inc. on Monday announced it is supplying exclusive high-performance carbon fiber wheels for the new 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 170. “Ride and handling are important for any vehicle but are even more critical for an ultra high-performance vehicle like the Challenger SRT Demon 170,” said Mike Clover, Lacks Enterprises

By |2023-03-28T16:28:08-04:00March 28th, 2023|New Products, New Products / Contracts|

2023 Michigan 50 Companies To Watch Generate $453 Million In Annual Revenue

LANSING - The 2023 Michigan 50 Companies to Watch awardees are small and mighty, having generated significant economic impact across the state. In 2022, these businesses generated $453 million in total annual revenue, a 57% increase since 2021. The companies reported they had 1,439 full-time equivalent employees in 2022 and project 498 net new jobs for

By |2023-03-28T13:50:19-04:00March 28th, 2023|Business, New Products, New Products / Contracts|

Ford CEO Channels Musk And Says Next Electric Truck Will Drive Itself While You Sleep

DEARBORN,- In Elon Musk-like fashion, Ford CEO Jim Farley made bullish claims about self-driving tech and said the automaker's next electric pickup will drive itself. In a new interview with Bloomberg published Friday, Farley upped his company's pressure on Tesla, saying the company's next electric truck set to debut in 2025 is a "breakthrough product." "On the highway on

By |2023-03-24T17:04:47-04:00March 24th, 2023|Auto Tech, New Products, New Products / Contracts|

May Mobility Launches Third Generation Autonomous Driving System

ANN ARBOR–Autonomous driving developer May Mobility has launched its third-generation autonomous driving system, which the company described as “another significant step on the path to driverless commercial operations that will improve safety, efficiency and rider satisfaction. Improvements include increased speed, tele-assist capabilities and improved detection accuracy.” The company said its new autonomy system includes its

By |2023-03-21T14:30:17-04:00March 21st, 2023|Auto Tech, Featured, New Products, New Products / Contracts|

MMS Partners With I-ACT To Advance Children’s Clinical Trials

CANTON - MMS Holdings, a data-focused contract research organization – announced its partnership with the Institute for Advanced Clinical Trials to accelerate the development of life-saving therapeutics, including vaccines, medicines, and medical devices for children. MMS is a sponsor of I-ACT’s Spin Challenge, a creative way to raise funds to advance and accelerate children’s clinical

By |2023-02-27T13:20:31-05:00February 25th, 2023|New Products, New Products / Contracts|

Washtenaw Economic Club March 14 Features Economic Outlook Forecast

ANN ARBOR – The 25th season of the Washtenaw Economic Club will kick off March 14, with the much-anticipated 2023 economic outlook presented by University of Michigan faculty. Donald Grimes and Gabriel Ehrlich will present their annual forecast 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Washtenaw Community College (WCC), which sponsors the Washtenaw Economic Club. The

By |2023-02-25T13:35:11-05:00February 25th, 2023|New Products, New Products / Contracts|