Internet Marketing

Conversion Rate Optimization and Other eCommerce Tips

ANN ARBOR - Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing in Birmingham, Michigan, returns to provide the latest Business To Consumer eCommerce marketing tips, including the highly effective Conversion Rate Optimization marketing process. If you want results from your Internet store and Internet brand, you want to watch this video interview. More conversion rate optimization (CRO)

Use Conversion Rate Optimization Before Spending Money on Marketing

ANN ARBOR, MI September 13, 2021 - Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is a marketing process to generate more leads and sales from your targeted web pages, says Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing in Birmingham, MI. CRO helps to generate more leads and sales from your target web pages with lower acquisition costs. What would

How Business Can Take Advantage Of Amazon Prime Day

ANN ARBOR, June 8, 2021 - Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing in Birmingham, MI., provides great tips on how businesses that sell online through Amazon can take advantage of Amazon Prime Day June 21-22. If you are an eTailer and sell through Amazon, you're going to want to watch this video interview. For those

Digital Marketing News and Trends from Melih Oztalay

ANN ARBOR - The latest Digital Marketing News, Trends, and Updates are presented by Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing in Birmingham, Michigan on our show from Monday, April 26, 2021. Topics discussed over 30 minutes included: Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) CRO has become its own science to help convert traffic coming to the website

LinkedIn Live Analysis Presented by Melih Oztalay

ANN ARBOR, MI December 7, 2020 - LinkedIn is adding live video capabilities to its platform. It's not open to every business, says Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Birmingham, MI. Rather you must show LinkedIn you have a track record in video production and be accepted into its portfolio.

How to Take Advantage of Amazon Prime Day Marketing

Amazon Prime Day marketing can be successful with Michigan's own digital marketing expert Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing. A Birmingham, Michigan digital marketing agency, Mr. Oztalay talks about how your retail business can work better with Amazon during the pandemic. Amazon and Zoom are two corporations that have thrived since the COVID-19 pandemic forced

Digital Marketer Response: Pandemic Not Time To Cut Advertising, Marketing

ANN ARBOR, April 1, 2020 - Melih Oztalay, CEO of SmartFinds Marketing in Birmingham, MI., says cutting your digital marketing and advertising spend during the pandemic is not a good idea. You want customers to know you will be there for them when social distancing ends, he said. Additionally, it is important to stay ahead