BIRMINGHAM, MI May 6, 2024 – Join us for the latest episode of MITechTV, where hosts Mike Brennan and Matt Roush dive deep into the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence with Melih Oztalay, guest speaker and CEO of SmartFinds Marketing. In our fourth installment, Melih shares current news highlights and introduces powerful AI tools that businesses can leverage for enhanced efficiency and innovation. Discover the transformative potential of AI and how it is reshaping technology and business practices today.

From Smartphones to Intelligent Phones

The evolution from smartphones to intelligent phones is being spearheaded by industry giants like Apple and Samsung. Artificial Intelligence with Melih explains that this transition is more than a mere rebranding; it’s about integrating AI directly into our devices to enhance user experience. Unlike the current reliance on third-party apps, this new wave of phones will have built-in AI features, making tasks more intuitive and seamless. This shift is set to revolutionize how we interact with our devices, offering faster, more automated, and efficient functionalities.

  • Generative AI models, like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, or Google Gemini, can create content based on prompts, leading to a more seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Apple and Samsung are leading the efforts with these new technologies.
  • Smart Phones to Intelligent Phones
  • For more information please read, “AI Is Changing Our Phones, and It’s Just Getting Started

Enhancing User Experience with Artificial Intelligence with Melih Oztalay

The integration of AI into phones promises to significantly improve features like Siri and Alexa. Melih discusses how AI will not only manage apps and memory space more effectively but also streamline everyday tasks. The goal is to make technology more accessible and user-friendly, reducing the need for multiple apps and simplifying device management.

The Growing Capabilities of ChatGPT

Another highlight of the episode is the enhanced memory function of ChatGPT, a tool Melih has been using extensively. With a ChatGPT Plus subscription, users can now instruct the AI to remember specific information for future interactions. Melih demonstrates this by referencing past conversations and setting up the AI to retain important details about his business and clients. This memory function is a game-changer for businesses, offering a more personalized and efficient user experience.

  • OpenAI’s introduction of a new feature called “memory” for ChatGPT Plus subscribers, aiming to enhance the conversational capabilities of the AI model. This feature allows ChatGPT to retain context from previous messages within a conversation, enabling more coherent and natural interactions.
  • View the ChatGPT transcript (PDF) about how it is able to add the memory functionality

AI in Global Health Initiatives: World Health Organization (WHO)

AI’s potential extends beyond personal and business applications. Artificial Inteligence with Melih Oztalay highlights an upcoming roundtable by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 30th, focusing on the use of AI in improving global health. This initiative aims to explore the benefits of AI in healthcare, as well as address governance, equity, and policy issues. The WHO’s efforts represent a crucial step towards integrating AI in medical practices, from diagnostics to treatment and beyond.

AI Tools for Business Efficiency

Melih also shares various AI tools that can enhance business operations. For instance, ChatGPT can now generate charts and graphs from Excel files, making data visualization more accessible. Additionally, AI tools for image generation, text creation, and video editing are evolving rapidly, offering businesses innovative ways to streamline workflows and enhance their content.

The Future of AI-Driven Creativity

In the realm of creative arts, AI is making significant strides. From generating realistic images to creating music and improving audio quality, AI tools are becoming indispensable. Melih discusses the advantages of premium AI versions over free ones, noting that the former consistently deliver better results. These advancements in generative AI are opening up new possibilities for artists and businesses alike.

Artificial Intelligence with Melih Oztalay In Summary

As AI continues to advance, its applications in various fields are expanding, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency. In this episode of MITechTV, Melih Oztalay provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in AI, from intelligent phones to global health initiatives. Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips on leveraging AI to transform your business and daily life.


Past Shows with Melih Oztalay

Additional shows and information with Melih Oztalay contribution can be found in our various other blogs and shows.

About SmartFinds Marketing

SmartFinds Marketing is a digital marketing agency. SmartFinds provides full marketing strategies and solutions to businesses. The marketing process is managed by a team of contemporary marketers who manage new ideas and incorporate early adoption of new strategic technologies to achieve successful results. Helping customers understand web marketing and the web advertising world through education and consultation is part of any SmartFinds program.

“Our trusted years of experience in advertising and marketing solutions date back to 1987 and the Internet since 1994. Since the very early days of the industry, we traversed the Internet to gain the knowledge, expertise, and more importantly, the imagination to apply the Internet’s resources to your business needs”, says Melih Oztalay.

Melih Oztalay is an industry leader as a guest author on many websites like Search Engine Journal. Additionally, he is a guest speaker at many conferences and events along with being a subject matter expert called on my radio shows and podcasts.

SmartFinds Marketing….Creative strategies. Innovative ideas. Use the full power of the Internet with us!