DETROIT – Tamara Shoemaker, who head up the Michigan Cyberpatriot program, talks about how her students are taking classes, and participating in workshops, online.

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.

Our Mission:  

To increase the number of Michigan Schools participating in the national CyberPatriot Program.  

To make sure that every team playing in the competition has a cybersecurity professional as a mentor.

To make sure every team participating has the equipment and training need to succeed.

To make sure every teacher that wants to become a coach for a CyberPatriot team has our support.

To show these students the pathway from Middle School,  High School, Community College and on to a Bachelors and Masters degree in Cybersecurity.  To help fill the great need we have for properly trained and educated Cybersecurity professionals.

To Continue to hold a “Free” Michigan Spring Celebration for all of our teams participating and to award the Michigan State 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in the Silver, Gold and Platinum levels of play for all three divisions.

To continue to hold several CyberPatriot Summer camps across Michigan.

Contact  us to   put together a corporate sponsorship that is right for your company.  [email protected]  MCISSE is a non-profit 501 (3)(C) and your donations are tax deductible. 

A donation of $1,500 pays for one week of CyberPatriot Summer Camp, a donation of $3,000 pays for two Instructors for those Summer Camps, and a donation $5,000 helps to offset the cost of lunch during our Spring Celebration.  We appreciate all donations big or small that will bring us towards our yearly goal of $50,000 to run the Michigan CyberPatriot program.