Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM)

STEAM is an educational approach that incorporates the arts into the more-familiar STEM model, which includes science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEAM programs can include any of the visual or performing arts, such as dance, design, painting, photography and writing.

State Awards $8.7 Million To Support Innovative Approaches To Adult Education Programming

LANSING— To support Michiganders without a high school diploma or credential, the state awarded more than $8.7 million in funding to educators who will deliver innovative approaches that lead to increased enrollment, retention and completion of adult education programming. “Since I took office, we have made it easier and cheaper for Michiganders of all ages

Muskegon Public Schools Earns Ford NGL Designation, Launches Innovation Academies Of Muskegon

MUSKEGON – Muskegon Public Schools has earned designation as a Ford Next Generation Learning community, making it only the fourth district in Michigan - and first along West Michigan’s lakeshore - to achieve this recognition. This milestone follows two years of due diligence and collaboration with over 80 community members to develop a Master Plan

By |2025-02-13T16:20:45-05:00February 13th, 2025|Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM), STEM|

Franklin Middle School In Wayne Wins $12,000 From Samsung Innovation Contest

WAYNE - Samsung announced that 50 U.S. public middle and high schools are moving forward as State Winners in the 15th annual Samsung Solve for Tomorrow national STEM competition. Franklin Middle School in Wayne was selected as the State Winner for Michigan, and has been awarded a $12,000 Samsung technology prize package, including a Samsung Video Kit to showcase their

By |2025-02-08T16:56:10-05:00February 8th, 2025|Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM), STEM|

Legislation Signed To Expand Computer Science Courses To All Michigan High School Students

LANSING - Megan Schrauben, MiSTEM Executive Director, released the statement below following Gov. Whitmer’s signing of House Bill 5649, which will expand computer science and STEM curriculum in public schools across the state.  "Science, technology, engineering and mathematical (STEM) education, including computer science, provides students the chance to participate in authentic field experiences that grow

By |2025-02-04T14:40:34-05:00February 4th, 2025|Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM), STEM|

Merit Network Recommended For $11 Million Award To Invest In Digital Skills In Michigan

ANN ARBOR - The National Telecommunications and Information Administration has recommended Merit Network for a Digital Equity Competitive Grant program award of $11 million to support and promote the expansion of digital upskilling in Michigan communities. According to the NTIA website, "The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has recommended for award more than $369 million to 41 organizations to

By |2025-02-03T10:17:40-05:00February 3rd, 2025|Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM), STEM|

Partnership Brings High-Impact Tutoring To Michigan Schools

LANSING– Partnership Brings High-Impact Tutoring to Michigan Schools. Quite recently Michigan Virtual, the provider of virtual learning services to K-12 education in Michigan, announced a partnership with the Stride Tutoring subsidiary of Herndon, Va.-based education services provider of Stride Inc. to bring tutoring to schools and districts across Michigan. 1. The Importance of High-Impact Tutoring

By |2024-12-01T08:10:15-05:00November 4th, 2024|Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEAM), STEM|

What Is Fintech And How Does It Move Money?

ANN ARBOR - Rola Farawi from FIS talks about Fintech in this video interview with Terry Bean and Mike Brennan from MITech TV. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. (FIS) is an American multinational corporation which offers a wide range of financial products and services. FIS is most known for its development of Financial Technology, or

STEM Career Coalition Reaches More Than 10 Million Students

CHARLOTTE, NC — The STEM Careers Coalition – an alliance of industries and non-profit organizations partnering with Discovery Education to create equitable access to free STEM content and career connections – announced it has surpassed the goal of reaching 10 million students by the end of 2025 ahead of schedule. Since 2019, the STEM Careers

12 Michigan Schools Honored as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2024

WASHINGTON DC – Twelve schools in Michigan have been honored as National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2024, joining several hundred institutions nationwide recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. 1. Criteria for The National Blue Ribbon Schools Award: Established in 1982, the Blue Ribbon program recognizes both public and private elementary, middle, and high schools.

NextGenesee To Bring High-Speed Internet Access To Genesee County

GENESSEE COUNTY – NextGenesee, a partnership between Genesee County and Merit Network, is set to take the first step on the path toward better Internet for Genesee County's more than 400,000 residents. Merit Network, a Michigan-based nonprofit, is conducting the service as part of its Michigan Moonshot initiative. "High-speed internet is no longer a luxury,"