NEW YORK – Scientists in United States have found that there exist very huge resources of hydrogen gaseous fuel trapped beneath the surface of the earth, that can sustain all consumers for hundreds of years. The Department of Energy has claimed that the resources of hydrogen in some parts of the country to be in trillions of dollars.

This natural hydrogen was generated through geo-chemical processes, it has been confined within underlying rocks and sediments. Though hydrogen is present in immensely massive quantities in the universe, localized, denser sources here on Earth are relatively scarce.

If one uses the correct technology then one can know that this enormous source of clean energy could fuel the society for ages. A key advantage here is that the hydrogen does not have to be produced, which means there is no environmental and economic cost associated with its production.

Accessing these hydrogen resources is one of the prospects for shifting the oil and gas industry to a new level of energy production. However, it must be noted that there are technical issues that can be associated with scaling of hydrogen release and the efficient harvesting of hydrogen in a safe and sustainable manner.

Signs of huge deposits of hydrogen have known to exist underground in different sedimentary basins in the United States of America. They contain the world’s largest deposits mainly in the western part of the USA in Texas, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado.

These areas contain trillions of cubic feet of hydrogen gas dislocated in rock structures at depths of the earth crust. These hydrogen sources were generated from deposits of natural gas that over millions of years interacted with water and rock to create whatis referred to as hydrostatic hydrogen or hydrostatic pressure.

The largest Onshore Basin in the View of Oil and Gas Resources is the Gulf Coast Basin which Texas possesses some of the greatest extents. San Juan Basin is endowed with the major natural resources in New Mexico. Another region that holds extensive amounts is the Uinta Basin of Utah.

As you can see, golden hydrogen is not only a future proposition for America, it could also be the source of renewable and sustainable income that we have been looking for, i.e. the basis of the ecological transition. The key now is to extract it without affecting ecosystems and export it to the entire planet, for which other countries have given us options: by pipeline (like Europe) or in powder form (like Australia).

Read more at Ecotechnica