DETROIT – Do you have an ecommerce business but struggle to find success? This is becoming increasingly common as more and more entrepreneurs start an ecommerce business, which has turned the industry fiercely competitive in recent times and can make it extremely challenging for these smaller stores to compete, particularly when going up against the more recognizable sellers.

So, what are a few secrets to success for ecommerce? A few tips and tricks that you can use should help take your business forward and start competing at a much higher level. Keep reading to discover the secrets to success in ecommerce.

Customer Service

One of the best ways to boost your business is to go above and beyond when it comes to customer service. Unfortunately, this is an area that many neglects, which could see them lose out to the competition and develop a negative reputation. Most people have had a negative customer service experience when shopping online, and it is enough to put you off for life, so you will want to avoid this by being responsive, engaging with your customers, and doing all that you can to help.

High-Quality Content

Businesses need to do more than simply sell products to attract and retain customers these days. Instead, you should be creating a constant stream of high-quality content that will be entertaining/valuable for your target customers, such as industry news or how-to guides. This will keep people coming back to your business and allow you to become an important resource for them to use while showing your expertise.

Work With an Amazon Seller Consultant

You will never succeed with ecommerce if you are not selling on Amazon as this is where most products are searched for and purchased, but it is hard to stand out on this incredibly competitive platform. An Amazon seller consultant like will be able to understand your business and develop a strategy for you to succeed on Amazon, which will be a highly effective way to take your business forward.

Punchout catalog integration plays a critical role in both procurement optimization and overall strategy for digital transformation. The new paradigm for procurement is increasingly centered on digital technologies and emphasizing procurement as a source of value creation as well as cost savings.

Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of NuancedMedia, an international ecommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced have sold 100s of Millions online, and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of 1.5 billion dollars. In addition, Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed and Modern Retail. To connect with Ryan, check out @Ryanflannagan on Twitter or via LinkedIn.


Packaging is a critical aspect of online commerce that often goes overlooked until it’s too late. Packaging not only affects customers’ initial impression of your brand but also ensures their order reaches them safely. Customizing packaging to reflect your brand can create an engaging customer experience and serve as an effective marketing tool. Sustainable packaging options have become increasingly appealing to environmentally aware customers, offering another opportunity for your brand to stand out. Make sure your boxes and parcels are sealed using packaging tape, with additional protection such as bubble wrap or air pillows as needed to avoid damage during transit. Remember, your product’s journey doesn’t end at checkout – its journey ends when safely in its customer’s hands!


Another key area to focus on to ensure business success is shipping. Consumer expectations are incredibly high for shipping these days to compete with the giants, and it is important that you can provide next-day shipping and/or free shipping options. You also need to ensure that a reliable courier is used so that packages arrive safely, in one piece, and on time.

These are a few of the secrets to success in ecommerce and all areas that any online store owner should be focused on for success.

Bio: Ryan Flannagan is the Founder & CEO of NuancedMedia, an international eCommerce marketing agency specializing in Amazon. Nuanced has sold 100s of Millions online and Ryan has built a client base representing a total revenue of over 1.5 billion dollars. Ryan is a published author and has been quoted by a number of media sources such as BuzzFeed and Modern Retail. To connect with Ryan, check out @Ryanflannagan on Twitter or via Linkedin