DEARBORN – Michigan Cyber Patriot is a decade-long program founded by cybersecurity professional Tamara Shoemaker that teaches grade-school students the basics of how to stay safe on the Internet. Another element of the program does the same for senior citizens.

Part of MICyberPatriot is a competition among participants along the lines of capture the flag. This year Michigan is sending one of its team to the national finals in Maryland. Tamara will be joining her charges there.

She and her husband, Dan, also have published a manual to help grade-school teachers explain cybersecurity to students. It too is selling well on Amazon. What she needs are more sales of her manual so that she can share more of them with teachers.

She also needs donations to fund these competitions and for a summer cybersecurity camp.

Check out the program at

Email her at

Watch this video interview for all the details.