ANN ARBOR – If you want your children to be safe when they surf the web, if your company wants motivate cybersecurity interns, you want to know more about Cyber Patriot. In this video interview, Tamara Shoemaker, the director of Michigan’s Cyber Patriot training program, provides all the details.
Our Mission is to increase the number of Michigan Schools participating in the national CyberPatriot Program. Using this after school program we have inspired students to purse the exciting career of a Cybersecurity professional. MCISSE supports the teachers, schools, and the professional mentors. We are a coalition of Colleges and Universities dedicated to showing students a clear pathway from High School onto an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, or Doctoral degree in Cybersecurity, earning cybersecurity certifications all along the way.
We do this by providing in-person and on-line awareness presentations and training session across the state. We hold multiple Summer Camps across the state and hold an annual Awards event celebrating the student’s success. We attend cybersecurity associations recruiting volunteers for the mentoring program, and to increase corporate support of this program. It is our hope to have enough industry support to cover our expenses and to make sure that every school in Michigan can participate in CyberPatriot has the chance.