TROY  – Automation Alley’s sixth playbook of its 2024 Integr8 Roundtable Series shines a spotlight on the world of digital twins and explores the potential of digital replicas to revolutionize industries.
A digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system designed to reflect a physical object accurately. In 2022, 86% of senior executives in industry surveyed by McKinsey said digital twins are applicable to their operations, and 44% already have fully functional digital twins implemented.
“The ability to simulate different scenarios in a controlled environment provides answers to what-if questions without impacting actual production, allowing for more efficient problem-solving and troubleshooting,” said Tom Kelly, executive director and CEO of Automation Alley.
“From keeping track of equipment and improving manufacturing processes on the factory floor to engineers monitoring performance and making improvements through digital iterations, digital twins offer opportunities for higher efficiency, lower costs, and increased productivity.”
The insights for Integr8’s sixth playbook were gathered at an April 10 roundtable discussion hosted by Automation Alley, which featured leaders from technology, manufacturing, government and academic sectors can serve as a guide to help companies understand the challenges and benefits of digital twins.
“Essentially, any process involving the use of machines, equipment, or products can reap the benefits of digital twins,” Kelly added. “This playbook aims to explain the potential and offer guidance for how to implement digital twin technology.”
“Diving into the Digital Realm: Harnessing the Power of Digital Twins” is available to view and download here.
The playbook explores the benefits of digital twins and offers strategies and considerations for implementing them across industries. Topics discussed include:
  • Digital twin adoption rate and adoption forecast
  • Efficiency and productivity boost potential using digital twins
  • Wide applications for digital twins across manufacturing
  • Cybersecurity challenges and solutions as digital twins become more prevalent
  • Government applications for digital twins
  • Training the digital twin workforce
  • Cost Savings and prevention of downtimes using digital twins
  • The proper hardware and software tools to implement digital twins
“Diving into the Digital Realm: Harnessing the Power of Digital Twins” is sponsored by and produced in partnership with Siemens.
The 2024 Integr8 Roundtable Series offers invite-only roundtable sessions where leaders from industry, academia and government meet to discuss the opportunities and challenges surrounding various Industry 4.0 topics.
Building upon the momentum of the Roundtable Series of insightful discussions held earlier in the year, the Integr8 Roundtable Summit, to be held Oct. 3 in Detroit, is the apex of this collaborative exploration into the realms of Industry 4.0. For sponsorship opportunities, contact [email protected].