LANSING – Thank you to the many who have joined us on the iHemp Hour the last few weeks. As we adjust and adapt to these unusual circumstances it is great to have such a hardy and able group of individuals to learn and grow with.
On today’s show (April 30), we are speaking with Brian O’Hearne of Arbol and Ryan Fox of Farm Bureau Insurance. They are going to cover the topic of Hemp crop risk management with crop insurance. Brian, head of sales with Arbol, will tell us about HEMProtect a first-of-its-kind multi-peril weather protection product for hemp. Ryan Fox with Farm Bureau Insurance with cover Hail insurance for hemp.
We will also be sharing a hemp recipe again.
For past shows, visit the home page of
iHemp Hour is moderated by Mike Brennan, Editor of Michigan Technology News.
If you would be interested in sponsoring iHemp Hour, which reaches thousands of potential Hemp customers, email him at Brennan@MITechNews.Com.
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Topic: iHemp Hour
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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