KALAMAZOO – Join Kalamazoo Venture Tuesday Jan. 30 at 9 am for an online pitch event via the Microsoft Teams virtual platform. You’ll have a rare opportunity to see inside the minds of three investors as they reveal what three company presenters did right and wrong.

The Kalamazoo Venture Tuesday meeting is designed as a teaching opportunity for participating companies and members of the audience. So come join us for an enlightening look into the minds of investors.

This is a FREE virtual event.

Investor Panel:

  • Martin Dober from Invest Detroit
  • Calvin VanderWal from Red Cedar Ventures
  • Chris Light from the Ka-Zoo Angels

The Companies:

  • Revision Autonomy specializes in perception and sensor software to make driving on snow-covered roads safer.
  • MoveFactorX combines movement sensor + mobile application + reporting platform
  • to provide instant objective feedback related to an individual’s movement performance.
  • Moodbit has developed a Generative AI Agent for HR departments that does cognitive search within the organization’s data and creates reports quickly.
Event Room Online
Topic Capital/Fundraising, Entrepreneurship
Event Type Seminar
Departments & Programs Innovation Center
Event Contact Email [email protected]