LANSING – Sometimes, it takes an unexpected headline story with perceived crisis-level impacts to get the world’s collective attention and action on an important matter.

This point has been made (and repeated) many times by well-known people in various ways and circumstances across different generations.

Remember the line: “A crisis is a terrible thing to waste,” from Rahm Emanuel and Paul Romer? Or, “If You Have a Lemon, Make a Lemonade,” from Julius Rosenwald and Dale Carnegie?

Well no matter how you slice it, the Iowa Democratic caucus mobile computer application (app) that was placed into action this past week qualifies as a lemon.

So how can we make lemonade out of this Iowa caucus app “debacle” situation?

Putting the politics, conspiracy theories, election ramifications and inevitable finger-pointing exercises aside, what happened to cause such an issue? Equally important, what didn’t happen? Another related question for all of us includes: What is the true cost when an app fails?

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