LANSING – On July 21, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality is hosting a webinar geared to professionals tasked in developing business sustainability programs as well as Research & Development staff or Project Managers creating new products or processes.

The webinar, from 1 to 2 pm, will be presented by Clinton S. Boyd, PhD, Principal-Green Chemistry & Sustainability for the Global Sustainability Initiatives team at Steelcase Inc.

Design for Environment is the recognition that the environmental impacts of a product over its entire life cycle is largely determined at the design phase. DfE should form the foundation for a strong sustainability program, specifically for product stewardship. Green Chemistry, defined as a set of principles to minimize the use and generation of hazardous substances during the manufacture of product, is essentially the application of DfE at the molecular level. A central tenet of Green Chemistry is that hazard (i.e. negative impacts on human health and the environment) should be viewed as a design flaw.

Green Chemistry is a transformational approach to pollution prevention that can make your business more sustainable and, when integrated into the material innovation & exploration stage of new product development, can further lead to business opportunities through innovative design of products and processes. This webinar will provide a basic primer of the principles of Green Chemistry and a discussion of how Green Chemistry can be incorporated into your sustainability strategy.

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