WASHINGTO DC – Mysterious glowing green orbs the size of basketballs invaded the home of a senior defense official tasked with finding the truth about UFOs, he has claimed in a new memoir.

Luis Elizondo has written about his time at the head of a top-secret program to work out what the Pentagon calls Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (U.A.P.s) in an autobiography which took a whole year to pass Department of Defense censors.

The book, Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for UFOs, was obtained by The New York Times and details some of Elizondo’s experiences as an intelligence officer at the secretive Advanced Aerospace Weapons System Applications Program, run by the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Much of his time there remains classified but the book describes how his work came home with him—for seven years. He claims that his D.C.-area home was “invaded,” The Times reported, by green, glowing, basketball-sized orbs. They could pass through walls and appeared to be “under intelligent control,” according to The Times.

Elizondo writes in the book that his wife, their two daughters and their neighbors witnessed the green orbs, which they called “our friends from out of town.”

Elizondo, who is now retired from the DIA and has testified to Congress about the Pentagon’s knowledge of UFOs, says that knowledge of their existences goes back to the 1940s.

“We can no longer stick our heads in the sand. We know we are not alone,” he says in the book.

Elizondo writes in the book that he served in the Army in Afghanistan, was involved in counterterrorism operations and worked at Guantanamo Bay. But when he was tasked to join the UFO program, he was taken aback by the scale of Pentagon knowledge and the secrecy surrounding it.

Since the 1950s, he says, the Pentagon had gained a body of knowledge kept in conditions of the most guarded secrecy, at first to stop the Communist Soviets learning it. “Whoever controlled such technology could control the world,” he wrote.

His program investigated encounters reported by Navy pilots with unexplained phenomena in the sky and collected recordings of apparently impossible maneuvers by strange craft. Three of the videos they collected have been seen after they were cleared by the Pentagon in 2020, three years after they were first revealed by The Times. The move confirmed their authenticity as coming from Navy pilots, although not whether alien intelligence was involved.

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