BOULDER, CO. – Sixty-eight percent of respondents in a FlexJob Survey would consider changing careers, and an additional 19 percent would consider changing careers for an amazing opportunity. Only Five percent say they are happy in their current profession.

The number one reason cited for wanting to change careers was seeking a career with better work-life balance (56 percent), ahead of wanting higher pay (50 percent).  Top reasons for wanting to change careers include:

  • Better work-life balance (56 percent)
  • Higher pay (50 percent)
  • More meaningful or fulfilling career (49 percent)
  • To expand professional skill set (43 percent)
  • Lack of advancement opportunities or growth in current career (27 percent)
  • Approaching retirement, where new career is a “second act” (19 percent)
  • To pursue a passion or hobby (17 percent)
  • Current career has never been a good fit (12 percent)
  • Trying to turn a side hustle into a full-time position (10 percent)
  • Completed the necessary education/training (9 percent)

When asked how difficult they anticipated a career change to be, most are relatively optimistic:

  • Pretty easy. My skills are transferable (28 percent)
  • It’ll be tough but manageable (53 percent)
  • Very hard. I’m not sure it’s going to work (19 percent)

“Since the pandemic started, our coaching team experienced an uptick in the number of people seeking information about what’s involved in changing careers, and how to do it successfully, and those requests have really spiked in the last month,” said Brie Reynolds, Career Development Manager and Coach at FlexJobs. “Transitioning to a different career is a challenging undertaking, but if you’re doing it for the right reasons, it can be a wonderful decision full of professional rewards,” Reynolds concluded.

To assist those who are unclear if changing careers is the right move for them, FlexJobs’ Career Coaching team has compiled important warning signs that one’s current career is no longer a good fit. Top signs include:

  1. You’re physically burned out
  2. Your productivity has dropped
  3. Work isn’t challenging anymore
  4. You’re not invested in the company’s success
  5. You strongly and regularly experience the Sunday night blues
  6. The future for your career path looks bleak
  7. You’re second guessing your career choices
  8. You daydream about a new career more than you engage with your current one

If these warning signs resonate, FlexJobs’ coaches recommend workers ask themselves the following questions that can help determine if a career change is truly in order.

  1. Do I actually want a career change or just a new job?
  2. Do I really know what is involved in switching to this new career?
  3. Would I take the risk in hiring a career changer who has my experience, skills, and abilities?
  4. Would I take a pay cut to make the change?
  5. Am I willing to start in a lower position than the one I currently have?
  6. Do I have the dedication to attain the education and/or skills that I’ll need in order to work in this field?
  7. Do I like my field, but just need more flexibility in my job?

To help the large number of workers who have decided to transition to another career field, FlexJobs’ Career Coaching team recommends updating one’s resume very strategically, and consider the following three tips:


A resume headline is a one-line statement that provides top-level information about the candidate. When changing careers, it is virtually important to communicate in the language of that new field immediately in this section. Research and mimic the keywords and jargon of the industry in one’s resume and all application materials to demonstrate you are educated around the ins and outs of that particular profession.

Focus on transferable skills

One of the most important factors in making a successful career change is translating your best skills from your previous career so employers can see that you’re a great fit, even if you’re coming from a different field. Top transferable skills include problem solving, analytical reasoning, and critical thinking.


Depending on the type of career shift, one may need to consider formatting the resume differently. For the creative field, for example, a standard text-based resume may not be appropriate. Research what the common resume looks like in that new field and apply appropriately. In addition, if you don’t have a lot of experience in your new career, consider moving the professional development and transferable skills to the top of your resume.

Beyond this, it is practical to find a field and organization that offers career growth and financial stability. Several fields, including software engineers, data analysts, electicians, cybersecurity experts, and healthcare jobs like doctors and nurses are in high-demand, offering growth potential and steady income. While these are just a few examples, you want to consider your interests and reserach specific careers within these fields. Remember, some industries may require additional education and cerifcation, making it essential to be well-prpeared. If you want to switch or pursue a career in financial services, you can go through Primerica Reviews online to learn about a company that offers an enabling environment for growth and financial stability. 

The Coaching Team has also shared specific career change resume examples on how updating experience descriptions and using the right keywords can create a more targeted resume for a new career path. These examples can be viewed here:

For more information, please visit or contact Kathy Gardner at