MUSKEGON – Muskegon Public Schools has earned designation as a Ford Next Generation Learning community, making it only the fourth district in Michigan – and first along West Michigan’s lakeshore – to achieve this recognition. This milestone follows two years of due diligence and collaboration with over 80 community members to develop a Master Plan for transforming MPS into a community connected hub of career-focused teaching and learning.

Key Initiatives include:

● Career-Focused Learning: MPS launching the Innovation Academies of Muskegon
Public Schools (I AM)
● Community Engagement: Forming a Convening Council to link MPS with local
businesses and organizations
● Graduate Readiness: Establishing a Portrait of a Big Red Graduate, which
identifies character traits to be incorporated into learning experiences that are essential for careers and life.

“Today our community reveals the dedication and care that we have for the success of all students,
not some or most, but for every student. The Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools (I
AM) are designed to create career/college pathways for every student from PreK-12th grades so when
each student graduates, they know what they will be doing on the Monday morning after graduation,”
said Matthew Cortez, Superintendent of Muskegon Public Schools.

“I AM proud to become the fourth district in Michigan to truly place student voice and choice first, while onboarding our local employers, businesses and other community partners into a singular mission for student success.”

“We are delighted to welcome Muskegon Public Schools to the Ford Next Generation Learning Family.
Their bold and committed leadership, along with exceptional community partners, exemplifies a deep
commitment to student success,” said Cheryl Carrier, Executive Director, Ford Next Generation
Learning. “This community-connected transformation spans PreK-12, ensuring that all Big Red students develop the academic and workplace skills needed to thrive in college, career, and life. By engaging with local industry and community partners, students gain real-world insights and a clearer vision for their future.”

The lead convening organization for the Convening Council is Goodwill Industries of West Michigan.
Kristin Garris, Goodwill Industries of West Michigan Chief Workforce Officer, shared about their work
in I AM:

“Shifting the learning focus into the community, and allowing students the opportunity to gain
valuable exposure to in-demand careers will benefit the entire Muskegon community. Everybody wins
when all students have a pathway to meaningful and sustaining work, and when the community takes
them into their workforce with the confidence that they are ready. There is community strength in that.”

Superintendent Cortez further explained the student-centered approach of Ford NGL, stating: “With I
AM, our Big Red students have voice and choice in their education, and they own it. I AM a creative
problem solver, for example, and I AM in the Industry, Technology, & Design Academy on my
engineering career pathway. There is immense power in student self-acquisition through the Innovation Academies of Muskegon.”

Ford NGL communities have demonstrated success through higher graduation rates, increased academic achievement, lower dropout rates, and industry certifications earned in high school. Districts in the Ford NGL network have shown increased student engagement at both the high school and postsecondary levels, developing more robust ties between educators and local employers, generating a stronger talent-development pipeline for high-demand careers, and boosting community prosperity.
MPS will host an event on April 16 to officially celebrate with Ford NGL and the community being
accepted into the International Ford NGL network

Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools.

Through the Innovation Academies of Muskegon Public Schools (I AM), every student will explore multiple careers, ultimately choosing an Academy and Career Pathway leading to career credentials and a high school diploma:

● Grades PreK-12: All Big Reds will have guaranteed learning experiences that support career
awareness and exploration (grades PreK-8) and career readiness and experience (grades 9-12.)
● Freshman Academy: All 9th graders explore their interests and aptitudes, attend the “Future of
You” career conference, and select an Academy and Career Pathway within that Academy that
best suits their interests and strengths. Students will enter their chosen Academy and Career
Pathway beginning sophomore year.
● Career Academies for Grades 10-12: Students’ career-focused course selections and
experiences align with their chosen Academy and Career Pathway. Academies and corresponding
Career Pathways are:

○ Academy of Health & Human Services (HHS) – Pathways: Health Sciences; Public Service & Education; Hospitality & Tourism; Criminal Justice & First Response
○ Academy of Industry, Technology & Design (ITD) – Pathways: Engineering & Advanced Manufacturing; Skilled Trades; Technology, Art & Design; Business & Entrepreneurship

The Academies and Career Pathways were identified and established based on local workforce needs to support the region’s economy in combination with student input and interest. Students will engage in real-world learning experiences, including job shadows and internships, to enhance academic and career readiness. In addition, MPS is partnering with post-secondary institutions, including Baker College, Michigan State University and Muskegon Community College, to offer college courses on the Muskegon High School (MHS) campus.

At the current stage of implementation, MHS has put into effect the Freshman Academy, and students will select their chosen Academies and Career Pathways in March to start in their chosen Academies in the Fall 2025 semester. The full rollout of the MPS Master Plan will take about three years.

Convening Council

The Convening Council is made up of five Muskegon-area non-profit organizations with the purpose of
connecting businesses, employers and the community with I AM. This Convening Council will secure resources for MPS students, and will provide insight to the District regarding community and employer talent needs. The Convening Council is made up of: Community Foundation for Muskegon County, Muskegon Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce, The YMCA, United Way of the Lakeshore, with the lead convening organization being Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Inc.