SOUTHFIELD–The Engineering Society of Detroit (ESD) and the Michigan Waste and Recycling Association (MWRA) are hosting the 32nd Annual Solid Waste Technical Conference Tuesday, March 14 at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, 219 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing.

The Solid Waste Technical Conference focuses on cutting-edge technological innovations and solutions related to the solid waste industry. The one-day conference brings together national experts to present on issues related to policy, new technologies, regulatory updates and what the future holds for the industry.

This conference has been designed with waste management and environmental professionals in mind. Whether you’re in private industry, a government employee, consultant, or equipment supplier, this conference will be beneficial to you. It will give you the opportunity to:

  • Network with industry leaders and professionals in the solid waste field
  • Hear about the latest technology and regulatory information
  • Learn about emerging technologies and regulatory changes affecting the industry
  • Gain information from presentations and case studies

A pre-conference training day is planned for March 13 at Granger, designed to provide practical guidance and hands-on demonstrations in field sampling methods and data management. This event is sold out.

The March 14 agenda includes presentations on building a strong safety culture, a solid waste update from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, the outlook for the biogas industry in the United States, information on containing PFAS pollution, and more.

The cost of the event is $215 for ESD and MWRA members, $265 for non-members, $125 for government employees, $100 for undergraduate students. Attendees can also join ESD at a 50% discount and attend the conference for $315.

To register, visit