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It is fair to assume that you have been involved in at least one car accident in your life. Car accidents have become so common in the US. Increased road traffic is one reason, but it is not the sole reason.

Most car accidents happen due to the negligence of someone. The negligence could be yours, another driver’s, or someone else’s. If you were not the actual reason for the accident, you can file a personal injury claim.

However, you need to know the cause of the accident to file a personal injury claim. Finding the cause of the car accident can be quite hard if you don’t have a lawyer by your side. Experienced lawyers can investigate the accident scene and determine liability with ease.

Different Liable Parties

Many parties can be held liable for a car accident. Knowing the common liable parties can help in determining negligence. Following are some of the common parties that can be held liable for a car accident:

  • Other drivers
  • Car manufacturer
  • Car mechanic

Holding other drivers liable is understandable, but how can a car mechanic be held liable?

Car accidents are often caused by defective parts.

Therefore, the manufacturer or the mechanic who recently worked on the car can be held responsible for a car accident caused by a defective part.

Car accidents could happen due to a defect in the following parts:

  • Tires
  • Brakes
  • Steering wheel
  • Electrical system
  • Faulty Airbags


Tire blowouts are the most common cause of car accidents. When the tire blows out, the driver will lose control of the car. It is impossible to maneuver a car with a blown tire.

Tires blow for different reasons, such as improper inflation and old tires. Tires should be checked regularly. Whenever you take your car for a long drive, check the tire pressure.


Brakes are the most important part of a car. Brakes can save lives. But what happens when the brakes don’t work?


Defective brakes are the most common reason for tailgate accidents. In this case, you can hold the manufacturer or the mechanic liable for your car accident.

When brakes malfunction, even if the road is empty, the driver will panic, which will lead to accidents.

Steering Wheel

Imagine your steering wheel getting stuck when riding at high speed. There is nothing you can do in such a situation.

Without a steering wheel, you cannot maneuver the vehicle at all. It is easy to get into an accident in such situations. Steering wheel defects can occur due to reasons like a lack of power steering fluid, failure in the steering linkage, frozen steering linkage, etc.

It is possible that the defect was present when you bought the vehicle. If that’s the case, you can sue the manufacturer.

Electrical System

All cars have electrical systems. Not just electric cars. Car lights are powered by the electrical system of the car.

Now, losing your lights may seem like a minor inconvenience, but in reality, it can lead to disastrous outcomes. Driving without lights at night is not a minor inconvenience.

You won’t be able to see anything. Other drivers will also have a hard time spotting you since you won’t have taillights either.

Faulty Airbags

Not deploying when you need the airbag is one type of defect. Deploying it when you don’t need it is the other type.

Airbags deploying unexpectedly can shock the driver. It will also obstruct vision. So a defective airbag can easily lead to car accidents.

Being calm is important in these situations. Instead of swerving in panic, try to bring the car under control by applying the brakes.

Final Thoughts

The manufacturer should ensure that all the parts are working as intended before sending the car for sale. Failure to do so is considered a breach of duty of care, the first of the four elements of personal injury law.

If you are in a similar situation, hire a lawyer and sue the responsible party. Filing a personal injury claim can help you recover quickly.

This article was provided by Lincoln Scott