ANN ARB OR – As we wrap up another eventful year at SensCy, I wanted to reflect on the state of cybersecurity in 2023 and share insights that I believe will be crucial for businesses in the new year.

At SensCy, our commitment has always been to support and empower small and medium-sized businesses in enhancing their cyberhealth. Over the past year, the evolving cyber threat landscape has been a testament to the increasing importance of robust cybersecurity measures. Establishing a proactive cybersecurity culture remains pivotal in safeguarding against cybercrime.

Reflecting on 2023, we’ve witnessed significant shifts in cyber strategies and threat landscapes:

  1. Data Breach Costs Soar: The average expense for a data breach hit a record high of $4.45 million this year, up by 2.3% from 2022, according to IBM. Over the longer term, this marks a significant 15.3% increase from the 2020 average of $3.86 million. This upward trend underscores the growing financial risks of cyber incidents, emphasizing the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures and proactive risk mitigation.
  2. Rise in Sophisticated Threats: Cybercriminals have become more sophisticated in their methods, utilizing AI, machine learning, and automation to launch targeted attacks. Ransomware, supply chain attacks, and phishing scams have continued to pose significant risks.
  3. Regulatory Changes: Compliance requirements have evolved globally, emphasizing the need for stringent data protection measures. Staying compliant with updated regulations remains paramount.Looking ahead to 2024, SensCy remains committed to supporting your cybersecurity needs:
    • Personalized Solutions: We will continue to provide small and medium-sized businesses with personalized roadmaps designed to address their specific needs.
    • Education and Awareness: We aim to empower our clients through employee education and awareness, ensuring that your teams are equipped to identify and mitigate potential threats proactively.
    • Sensible Cybersecurity: We seek to demystify cybersecurity by discussing it in plain language. We’re dedicated to making cybersecurity more accessible, ensuring everyone understands the importance of cyber defense and is equipped with actionable knowledge to bolster their security posture.
    • As your partner in cybersecurity, we are dedicated to navigating these challenges together and ensuring that your business remains resilient in the face of evolving threats.I encourage you to schedule a meeting with our team to discuss any cybersecurity concerns or to explore how we can further strengthen your defenses in the upcoming year.

      Thank you for entrusting SensCy with your cybersecurity needs. Wishing you a safe and prosperous year ahead.


      Rick Snyder
      CEO, SensCy