Retired Army Col. Karl Nell claims nonhuman intelligence not only exists and has been to Earth but has been actively interacting with humanity.

Nell made the statement during a live chat at the SALT iConnections conference, which is billed as a conference for “disruptive innovation” in finance and geopolitics.

Nell cited his previous experience on the Pentagon’s UFO/UAP task force while making the claim. He has previously suggested the government has agreed to hold back top-secret information for some time and suggested that failing to disclose it would be “catastrophic.”

Nell said the interactions between nonhuman intelligence and humanity is not new and has been ongoing. The term “nonhuman intelligence” is one that has been used recently by officials speaking about the possibility of alien life.

Nell has a long career with the Army, has worked for aerospace companies and was the former director of the UAP Task Force, which investigated anomalous phenomena for the Pentagon.

He isn’t the only senior figure to have come forward, with other senior figures like former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Christopher Mellon and retired Navy Admiral Tim Gallaudet also making many of the same points Nell did.

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