Film director David Hoffman shared a story about his sound man hearing Bush saying that he had seen a dead body of an alien. In the video, Hoffman seemed quite certain that the sound man was being honest and not making the story up. Hoffman recorded and shared the story three years ago on his YouTube channel.

At about 1:40 into the video, Hoffman said the incident occurred when he was in his early 30s and making political films as part of his job. For this particular assignment, he was directing an interview with Bush on an airplane while he was running for Vice President with Ronald Reagan.

“I set up the scene,” Hoffman said. “They’re on the airplane. George Bush is drinking like crazy and the sound man is in the back with me, and there’s a wireless mic on George Bush. And George Bush is talking to the interviewer and the cameraman is getting ready. He hasn’t started shooting yet. And all of a sudden, my sound man sitting next to me in the seat goes, ‘Woahhhh!’ And he turns off the sound, stops recording, stops listening. ‘David, what I just heard freaked me out.’ … ‘What’dya hear Nigel?’”

Hoffman went on to share that his sound man, Nigel, heard Bush say that he had seen a dead alien.

Hoffman said: “Nigel said, ‘I heard George Bush say, hey you know those little green people? They’re real. I saw one dead.’”

Hoffman said he believed his sound man.

“Could George Bush have seen a dead alien? You know, I think so, that’s what he said to the sound man,” Hoffman shared. “Not on tape, unfortunately. Sound man is just listening, but the sound man and I never forgot it.”

To watch the video, click below: