Most people only have a basic understanding of what cannabis is and what it does. The science behind the high people experience is far more interesting than simply inhaling a few puffs from a joint. Sites such as offer information on weed’s scientific composition and how it affects the body. Though this is not necessary for all stoners, learning more about what you consume is always helpful. 

The advancements in science and technology have greatly influenced the weed sector. The interaction itself may seem far-fetched, but it does affect their consumption. Science and technology have not only contributed to the desertification of strains but also made marijuana use easier. So how can we utilize science and technology to understand cannabis? 

The Scientific Understanding of Marijuana

The study of plants and their components was not as advanced in the past as it is now. The availability of technological equipment such as microscopes and other fancy stuff has enabled the study of many things. Owing to the same, it has also facilitated an understanding of the marijuana plant. As a drug most people know that it is a psychoactive drug, but what does this mean?

Weed’s psychoactive properties can be traced to the cannabinoids that make up the plant. These cannabinoids are about a hundred, each having a distinctive effect on the body. Of all of them, THC and CBD are the most common. CBD has recently been legal in the United States, meaning products from the compound can be sold and used. 

Other than the two, there are others such as CBG, CBC, and more. These compounds have been discovered and understood because of science and technology. Biologists are discovering more ways to extract compounds from plants as the equipment advances. 

How Weed affects the Body

At face value, everyone knows you end up high when you smoke a joint, eat edibles, or even vape weed. The basics of how cannabis interacts with the body are not as popular. The reaction between marijuana and the brain occurs most importantly in the brain. 

The brain contains certain receptors and neurotransmitters adapted to reacting with weed. Once one ingests the weed in whichever way, it goes through some processes, but the blood vessels transport it to the brain. The receptors that it reacts with are known as CB1 and CB2. Each of the two deals with its cannabis compound.

 CB1, for instance, interacts with THC resulting in a head high. Its effects are localized within the brain, the source of the euphoria and giddiness associated with getting high. 

On the other hand, CB2 reacts with CBD and leads to a body-like high. It sends calming signals throughout the body and is also responsible for anti-inflammatory properties. Once the weed is ingested, the compounds react with the different receptors and cause the range of effects that stoners report. 

The Future of Cannabis and Technological Advancements

So far, there have been influences on the weed industry from science and technology. Looking at some of the achievements, further research could only lead to better outcomes. The following are some of the projects that are underway within the cannabis industry;

Personalized Weed Products

As with any other product, diversity plays a key role in how people enjoy weed. Some prefer certain terpenes to others, and some prefer low-potent strains. All in all, there has been a production of all these strains, but what if a person could know their ideal strain from their DNA? 

Microbiologists are looking into sequencing a program to determine a person’s ideal weed strain from their saliva. If this is actualized, it will save a lot of people the time they take to decide which strain to get. Also, they can better choose whether to eat edibles, use oils, or any other alternatives depending on their needs. 

Advanced Breeding Technology

Technology’s input in the growth of cannabis has been fundamental in developing hybrids. As it is, researchers mix the strains of two or more plants and experiment on their shifting potency and terpenes levels. Revolutionary breeding forms would lead to the production of plants that contain the needed THC, CBD, and other levels. These studies would, in the future, lead to the production of an ideal crop in the required quantity. 

Medical Research

One of the most significant interactions between technology and marijuana is in the medical research sector. Weed has contributed to the medical scene for centuries, and it is only in recent years that researchers are looking into its full benefits. In modern-day research, there are targets to cure chronic diseases such as cancer and other neuro-degenerative ones such as Alzheimer’s. 

An increasing number of researchers are taking their studies to higher levels by getting FDA certifications to explore various components. The achievement of these research projects would mean that weed to be used as medicine leading to worldwide legalization. In the meantime, the plant is already used to treat chronic pain, depression, stress, muscle pains, and more. 


It is one thing to look at weed from a stoner’s point of view and another from a scientific point of view. One gets you high and relaxed, but the other helps you understand why you are high and relaxed. Looking at marijuana’s scientific compounds and their effects on the body leads to a comprehensive understanding of the drug. Science and technology provide the basic components that boost an understanding of weed as it influences the stoner. Also, the cannabis industry has benefited from science and technology. 

This article was provided by Patricia Wellnes