Aman from Texas has captured footage purportedly showing a UFO in the skies above the Interstate 35 highway, 20 miles South of Waco. has learned that the video was posted on a Facebook group dedicated to UFO sightings and theories.

A man from Texas has captured footage purportedly showing a UFO. By: Facebook/Jon B Tipton© Knewz

In the caption, the man requested group members to help him identify the object, seen in the footage as a colorful blob rapidly changing shape.

The man, Jon B Tipton, posted the 12-second video on the Texas UFO Network Facebook page, where he claimed that there were a total of “three vehicles/crafts.”

“One was apparently only visible to the unaided eye and two red ones cross the frame from right to left, slow the video. The other is visible only to the naked eye and not captured in the video despite appearing to be co-located with this vessel,” Tipton claimed.

Several commenters tried to explain what the “UFO” could actually be, with one of them writing:

“Honestly, you’re seeing the camera on your phone focus on what is most visible because it’s high up at altitude and the only thing it can pick up is the orange flare from SpaceX rocket booster. This is why it looks blurry.”

“The reason it disappears is because the camera can no longer keep it in focus and the flame from the booster stops when it hits the upper atmosphere. Too far away to capture it with a phone camera,” the commenter added.

There were others who tried to attribute this purported “sighting” to Elon Musk‘s space venture, saying, “Space X is only a few miles from this area.”

This story was published by MSN