A former US Air Force Security Police Staff Sergeant has recounted an extraordinary encounter with a massive UFO at one of America’s most critical nuclear weapon bases. Back in 1977, Mario Woods was on duty at South Dakota’s Ellsworth Air Force Base, tasked with protecting the missile silos that were part of America’s nuclear arsenal.

Speaking to If you can’t see the video below, click here. , he described witnessing a silent, glowing object hovering near the base perimeter while stationed at a control center. “I just happened to look to my east which in the direction of Ellsworth Air Force Base, about 55 miles away, and … I see this light in the sky,” he shared with the podcast listeners.

“I thought what is that? Is that a helicopter? is that a B-52 bomber? B52s sometimes fly these training sorties at night and they fly at low level right over the prairie. They would be practising an attack run somewhere to go high to low and come in then come up into an area and disperse their ordinance,” reports the Daily Star.

Mario, a former military man, thought he saw two giant Cold War bombers flying in close formation due to the sheer size of an unidentified object. Shortly after, an alarm signal indicated a breach in the base perimeter, prompting Mario and his colleague Michael Johnson to investigate.

In the pitch-black night, they spotted an unexplained object floating about a mile away, with “pulsating” lights beneath it. Mario described the sight: “You could see this pulsation … these orange, red and white colours. It was the strangest thing and I said ‘Michael, that’s that object, man.’ He said ‘Whatever,’ but I think it scared him to death.”

Driving further, they eventually reached the source of the mysterious pulsing lights. According to Mario, it was “the size of a Walmart building, and as long as an aircraft carrier”.

He claimed it was the largest aircraft he has ever seen, stating: “I’ve been on C5 Galaxies and flown from Korea to the United States twice on one, there and back, so I know the size of those things. They are minuscule compared to this craft, I mean that’s just how big it was. There was no noise, but it was only sitting 10 feet off the ground.

Read more at MSN