“I was on a flight to Dallas and we went around a huge storm system at about 30,000 feet. While observing the thunderstorm I saw 2 white circles above the thunderstorm then disappear,” the eye witness, who sent in the video, says. “It was moving in a non linear fashion.

Then about a minute later I saw them again and turned to the passengers next to me and asked them to look out the window and tell me I’m not crazy. They both saw it and they moved from the top of the thunderstorm directly upward and also a non linear fashion and disappeared again.

So I decided to film the thunderstorm to see if I saw the 2 objects again and I did. So I have a 40 second clip in which about 28 seconds show the lights again. The 2 objects are just above the thunderstorms and left of center of the video footage. I have to zoom in to see them better. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.”

The writer seems to think UFOs and natural disasters are linked. I’m not sure if that’s true or not but they state that there have been sightings over tornadoes and even the Fukushima, Japan tidal wave disaster. Thunderstorms seem pretty cut and dry and honestly they happen a lot in Texas, so who knows.

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