
Automakers Shifting To Hybrids, Cyber Patriot Team Goes National, LTUX Gaming Competition

On MITech TV Feb. 12, Paul Eisenstein from Headlight News explains why automakers are reversing course and now pushing hybrids. Tamara Shoemaker from Cyber Patriot announces one of her teams has qualified for the national competition. Margaret Hartman provides details about LTUX gaming competition. To watch segments on demand, click on MITech TV  

By |2024-02-12T11:43:35-05:00February 12th, 2024|Podcasts|

MCWT, New Coaching Agency, AI And Social Media, Custom Mylar Bags

On MITech TV Feb. 5, Kathleen Norton Schock updates Michigan Council of Women in Technology.  Michelle Gilbert formerly VP of Communications for Comcast in Michigan has left the company to start her own coaching agency. Melih Oztalay starts a monthly series on how to effectively use Artificial Intelligence to develop your social media posts.  Scott

By |2024-02-04T11:40:27-05:00February 4th, 2024|Podcasts|

LTU, College Of Health Sciences, Microsoft Hack, EV Adoption For Low Income Families

On MITech TV, Richard H. Heist, Provost, Lawrence Technological University discussed LTU’s College of Health Sciences.  Richard Stiennon, cybersecurity expert, talked about the Microsoft hack and the Ivanti vulnerability. Pina Bennett, DTE director of Electric Sales and Marketing, talked about a plan submitted to the Michigan Public Service Commission that supports electric vehicle adoption for

By |2024-01-29T09:27:54-05:00January 29th, 2024|Podcasts|

Thought Leadership, Hatch Detroit, RoboZone Robotics, Infused Cannabis Cooking

On MiTech TV Jan. 8,  Terry Bean social media guru provided details on his thought leader course.  Meghan Storey from Comerica Bank announced the Hatch Detroit contest with winner receiving $100K. Lorne Plant Executive Producer of State Champs RoboZone high school robotics updated the competition.  Chef Marjorie Harvey provided details on her cannabis-infused catering business.

By |2024-01-08T13:37:44-05:00January 8th, 2024|Podcasts|

MCWT Update, Cybersecurity Manual For Teachers, Is EV Demand Waning, LTU News Report

MITech TV Dec. 11, Kathleen Norton-Schock updates MCWT news. Tamara Shoemaker talked about big cybersecurity conference in 2024 and her teaching cybersecurity manual sales. Paul Eisenstein examines the question has EV demand declined? Matt Roush updated the latest LTU news.

By |2023-12-11T13:11:01-05:00December 11th, 2023|Podcasts|

2024 Energy Sector, MPSC Winter Fuel Prices, Sparks’ $73M Investment, Cannabis Tourism

On MITV Nov. 27, ITC Director of Public Affairs Kwafo Adarkwa - 2024 look ahead for the energy sector in Michigan. Then MPSC Chair Scripps discusses winter energy supplies and pricing. Followed by Sparks Kristine Nash-Wong provides details on State’s $73 million investment in entrepreneurial groups. Sparks is managing the program. The show wraps with

By |2023-11-26T18:11:06-05:00November 26th, 2023|Podcasts|

C-Level Hiring Trends, eSports World Championship, Mobile EV Charging, Cyber Threats

MITech TV Nov. 13, Gary Erickson updates the latest hiring trends for C-level jobs, primarily CIOs and CISOs.  Jacob Jacob from Northwood Institute provides details on his eSports team that will compete in the world championship in Turkey. Steve Bratic returns to talk about his mobile EV charging station that was introduced last month. Richard

By |2023-11-13T11:17:32-05:00November 13th, 2023|Podcasts|

LTU Wins Research Grants, Prime Days Strategy, U-M Private Equity Finance Conference, UAW Strike Economic Impact

On MITech TV Oct. 9, Kathryn Wrench from LTU will talk about the rising importance of research at LTU and some recent grants LTU won to increase it. Melih Oztalay from Smart Finds Marketing will provide tips on how to shop Amazon's next Prime Days Oct. 10-11. David Brophy, UM professor, provides details on his

By |2023-10-09T12:26:59-04:00October 9th, 2023|Podcasts|

Hiring C-Level Execs, MCWT Update, SaaS For Ice Hockey Pickup Games, iHemp Michigan

On MITech TV Sept. 24, Gary Erickson from Executive Search Partners updated the latest C level hiring opportunities and trends. Kathleen Norton Schock shared MCWT happenings. Dave Crabill of Advantage Intelligent Marketing announced a Software as a Service company to schedule ice hockey pickup games. Then Dave changed hats to his role as president of

By |2023-09-25T15:13:50-04:00September 25th, 2023|Podcasts|

Aug. 7: Michigan Capital Network, Commune Angels, Pointe Angels, Northern Michigan Angels

ANN ARBOR - The focus on MITech TV Aug. 7 is angel investors. On the show is Diane Durance, President, Michigan Capital Network Association. Followed by Marlo Rencher, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Commune Angels. Then David Bloom, Executive Director, Pointe Angels. Finally Jody Trietch, CPA, Executive Director, Northern Michigan Angels.    

By |2023-08-07T12:55:19-04:00August 7th, 2023|Podcasts|