TEL AVIV – When the lithium-ion battery in a car like the Nissan Leaf or Tesla Model S runs down you have to find a charger to plug into, a process that can take 10 hours or more. But a new Israeli start-up hopes to market an entirely new type of battery that you’d “charge up” or, more accurately, refill at a conventional service station.
And while the “Alunergy” battery would create no CO2 or other harmful emissions, it does produce a high-demand chemical byproduct that can be ready resold – meaning users could wind up actually getting paid back for using it, according to the inventor who hopes to commercialize the concept in the next couple years.
“We want you to feel smart by seeing how much money you’ve saved,” said Aviv Tzidon, the CEO of Phinergy, which is based in a suburb of sprawling Tel Aviv.
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