DETROIT – Come their Feb. 25 paychecks, approximately 42,500 U.S. hourly workers at General Motors Co. will receive up to $10,250 in profit-sharing based on the Detroit automaker’s strong 2021 financial results, the company announced Tuesday.

But workers at one plant that was idled for long stretches last year because of semiconductor chip shortages may not share in the full payouts — a prospect the automaker and the United Auto Workers sidestepped on Tuesday.

Despite GM’s strong financial results, workers at the company’s Fairfax Assembly plant in Kansas don’t know how much they’ll end up getting, and some are concerned it will be substantially less than $10,250. Extended downtime at the plant due to the chip shortage means many workers there were unable to meet the hours needed to be eligible for full profit-sharing payments. GM and the UAW said Tuesday they’re in discussions on the issue but did not offer details.

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