DETROIT – NPOs are tricky to run. You need to make sure that you are taking many precautions, whether this is to do with you breaching a law or becoming a victim of cybercrime. This is quite a lot to think about, so there are some things you need to prioritize.
Fundraising can be a difficult field to navigate. You need to make sure that you are complying with all the laws around fundraising, and making sure that you are aware of what TCPA compliance is and what these laws are, even if you happen to be exempt.
#1 Laws
Fundraising can be a difficult field to navigate. You need to make sure that you are complying with all the laws around fundraising and making sure that you are aware of what these laws are, even if you happen to be exempt. You need to make sure that your NPO follows TCPA compliance, and that you take care to protect your business every step of the way when it comes to fundraising.
#2 Your Budget
As an NPO, you are going to need to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on your budget. You are going to have to spend wisely and cut costs without cutting corners. You need to make sure that you are keeping an eye on your business’s credit score too, just in case you fall into a rough patch.
#3 Data Analysis
Data analysis can be a great way to help your NPO. It can help you read and translate data into a tool that can help you to predict your future path, see trends develop, and see where you are succeeding within the business, as well as what you need to work on. It can give you a good idea of who you should be marketing towards too, which can save you a heap of money on advertising.
#4 Website
You are going to need to make sure that you are investing in website maintenance. This is something that is often overlooked by NPOs, but it can be a great way to improve the part of your business that clients are likely to interact with the most. Not only does it give a good first impression of your business, as there are no slow loading pages or out-of-date information but updating things behind the scenes can make it all more secure too.
#5 Insider Threats
A lot of data goes through NPOs, which means that they can be a major hotspot for cybercrime. You need to make sure that your employees are trustworthy, so you might want to invest in eDiscovery to help you make sure everything is staying on track, and if there is a perpetrator, you can locate them quickly.
A Few Final Thoughts
In conclusion, you might find that there are a lot of things that your NPO should consider. Whether you are a start-up, or you are a well-seasoned non-profit organization, you might find that you are missing out on some things. You should be aware of what laws are in place about fundraising and getting in contact with your members. You should also be aware of the benefits of data analysis, eDiscovery, and website maintenance, and lastly, you should make sure that you know about insider threats, and how you can protect against them.
Bio: James Daniels is a freelance writer, business enthusiast, a bit of a tech buff, and an overall geek. He is also an avid reader, who can while away hours reading and knowing about the latest gadgets and tech, whilst offering views and opinions on these topics.