If you run a business, there are going to be various things you need to buy – even the simplest business still needs some equipment, even if it’s just a laptop and a website, for example. And for those businesses that need a little more (or a lot more, come to that!), it’s wise to pay attention to your needs and make a list of must-haves so you can budget and ensure your business has everything it has to have, ideally before you get started running it

In some cases, that’s going to mean you need to buy vehicles, or perhaps just one vehicle, depending on the size of the business and what you do. If you’re going to do that, don’t just rush into buying the first car you come across; you’ll need to do some research, and it might be that you decide an electric vehicle (EV) is the way to go. Why? Well, there are a number of reasons why an electric vehicle is good for business, and if you read on you’ll discover what some of them are. 

Photo by Mike Bird

Cost Savings

That can’t be right, can it? Because aren’t EVs more expensive than regular vehicles? That really depends on the car itself, and the truth is that the costs of EVs are reducing all the time as better manufacturing processes are put in place and more are made, reducing the cost of materials for the makers. 

But we’re not talking about the cost of the car itself (let’s assume it’s at least similar to a standard car). What we’re talking about is the running costs which, over time, are going to be a lot more than the cost of the car in the first place, so they’re definitely worth looking into. Electricity tends to be cheaper than gas or diesel, so you’ll save a lot on your fuel bill. 

Environmental Benefits

Even if you don’t know anything else about electric cars, you’re sure to know that they’re better for the environment than a standard car because they don’t produce any emissions, and when your vehicles doesn’t produce any emissions, you’ll get to lower your carbon footprint – and here’s another great benefit to having EVs in your business, especially as a lot of customers will appreciate the fact that you’re doing your bit for the planet, and it might make them want to buy from you over a competitor who doesn’t seem quite as environmentally friendly. 

Even better is the fact that if you choose an electric car to be your company car, you can take it home with you every night and enjoy the benefits not just when you’re driving for work, but all the time (you’ll need to work out the tax implications, but the benefits are still all there). Invest in EV cable management as well and you can really enjoy that electric car at home. 


The world of business moves quickly, and the world of technology moves even quicker, and unless you put some plans in place to help you future-proof your business, you’re going to get left behind. 

Wonderful news! Having an EV for your business is one step towards future-proofing it, meaning you’ll be ready for whatever comes your way, and you won’t be scrambling to catch up because you were caught by surprise.