
Data security in your business is a big deal. In addition to always being at risk from cybersecurity threats, your data is also subject to human error. It’s common for employees to make mistakes that can result in data breaches so your security has to be extra vigilant.

It’s easy to assume that only large companies are under threat when it comes to cybersecurity but this isn’t the case. More small to medium sized businesses are being targeted everyday. So, what can you do to protect your business?

Regular Audits

Regular security audits are essential for all businesses. These audits will identify any weak areas in your company’s security system and will allow you to fill the gaps. Audits should be carried out at least twice a year to ensure any security warnings are found sooner rather than later.

Invest In Software

You can’t rely on your employees or simple device security measures to keep precious data safe. It’s vital that you invest in security software that is specific to your needs. For instance, HIPAA compliant software is ideal for the healthcare industry, allowing for easy practice management.

Handling a Breach

Breach of data will always remain a risk, even with strong security measures. If your company comes under attack, you’ll need to know what to do. Firstly, notify the authorities so they can quickly begin to look for the culprit.

Secondly, tell your consumers and vendors that there has been a data breach that could involve their details. Then notify your bank so they can monitor transactions or block access to your accounts.

Know Who Has Access

It’s your responsibility to stay on top of who has access. Many companies have made the mistake of forgetting to restrict access to employees who have left. If an employee has left your business, they should no longer be able to gain access to private company data. 

To keep your data safe, adopt a policy that details who is allowed to have access and for what reasons. This will ensure that only trusted employees can access your systems.

Use Encryption

Encryption comes in handy when it comes to protecting valuable information. This information could include any personal details or health details. Be sure not to store encryption codes on servers or devices. These are easy to hack and the information could be lost.

Using encryption is a great way to cover your information without having to use heavy cybersecurity. It’s ideal for small to medium sized businesses.

Insure Your Business

In the event of a breach, your business may need to rely on cybersecurity insurance. There have been occasions when data breaches have resulted in legal action against companies. If the worst should happen, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is covered. Your insurance would pay for any legal costs and you can continue to run your business as planned.

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