Image Credit: Myriam Jessier from Unsplash.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a sure-fire way to increase your online rankings and gain more visibility. You’ll already know this, and you would’ve already implemented an SEO strategy. Despite that, it mightn’t be working for you as much as you want.

You could want to improve your SEO strategy. While that’s a common thought for most business owners, it can often seem complicated.

It doesn’t have to be. While quite a few strategies can help, three can be better recommended. They’ll be relatively simple to do, but they’ll have much more of an impact than you could think.

Improve Your SEO Strategy: 3 Great Strategies

1. Optimize Your Images

Images are an integral part of a page’s layout, and it helps break up content and keep reader interest. These shouldn’t just be tossed in and forgotten about, however. They’ll need to be strategically placed so they have the best possible impact on the page. Then there’s the impact they can have on your SEO.

Alt tags, file names, descriptions, and multiple other factors can all be used to improve your SEO. They’ll add much more on-page optimization than you’d think. Put time and effort into all of these anytime you’re adding an image to a page. As minor as this seems, it can make all the difference on SERPs.

2. Dig Deep Into Keyword Research

When you want to improve your SEO strategy, it’s worth starting from the ground up. How you handle your keyword research dictates results in quite a few ways. It makes sure you’re targeting the most appropriate search terms, for example. Make sure you dedicate a significant amount of time to this.

It’s worth investing in a few tools to help with this, like a keyword rank checker. These let you figure out the types of content ranking for specific keywords, and you can use this to inform your SEO strategy. You can develop similar, but better, content around the same areas.

3. Structure For Featured Snippets

Featured snippets take up a decent amount of real estate space on search engine results pages. They contain what search engines believe to be an “instant answer” to a searcher’s question. This information is from a website, with the featured snippet also including a link back to that specific article.

With how prominently these are displayed on search engines, getting featured snippets has a tremendous impact on traffic. You’ll need to structure your content appropriately if you want to earn one of these snippets. Focus on queries you know trigger these snippets and focus on answering those questions.

Improve Your SEO Strategy: Wrapping Up

Trying to improve your SEO strategy can often seem like a complicated and even overwhelming process. You mightn’t be sure what’ll actually work and help with generating better results. Thankfully, it shouldn’t have to be as complicated as you could think.

Instead, some strategies are relatively straightforward, despite how much of an impact they could have. When used on top of a strong SEO foundation, they’ll help you see much more results.