Business documents are a must for the company’s well-being. Having well-organized company documentation helps you keep better track of organizational information.

For this, we suggest implementing efficient document management methods and tools to ensure you have them in place and can get access to them when needed.

Regardless of your role in a company, you’re sure to encounter various business documents, be familiar with their characteristics and improve your professional performance.

By understanding, what the most common business documents are, you gain valuable skills and insight through your research.

It is somewhat similar to understanding the best services collectively. Washingtoncitypaper offers the list of best essay writing services to help you better understand the services that exists.

Similarly, in this article, we will discuss the most common types of business documents.

What is a Workplace Document?

In a business, there are written records or communications that are used to convey the information of a business within its people and outside the organization. Those professional documents are known as business documents.

They are essential for determining the business activity, providing information to the stakeholders, and facilitating communication and collaboration within and outside the organization.

A few examples of professional documents include business plans, proposals, reports, memos, and such.

Importance of Business Paper Work

So, why should a business have a document? How does it facilitate business activities? What is its importance?

Below we have discussed a few among many of its importance:

  • Legal Compliance: Documentation is the means through which businesses comply with legal requirements and regulations. Certain documents like contracts, invoices, and tax forms are must by law, and a failure to maintain them results in legal penalties.
  • Accountability: Documents are also a paper trail that can be used to hold employees and workers accountable for their actions. For example, if a dispute in the company arises over a transaction, a document helps in clarifying it and resolving the issue.
  • Knowledge management: Documents helps business capture and record important information such as policies and procedures. Such information can be shared and accessed by employees to ensure consistency resulting in improved performance.
  • Communication: Business documents facilitate communication within and outside the organization. It helps in providing a clear and structured way to convey information such as reports and updates.
  • Record keeping: It provides a record of business activities and transactions, which is a must for tracking performance, measuring progress, and taking informed decisions.

Overall, company documentation is a key component for effective business operations and contributes to the success and sustainability of an organization.

10 Most Common Business Documents Used in Workplace

The 10 most common business document list are:

Business Plan

It is a formal business document outlining the goal, strategies, and operations of a business.

Such a document is typically used to secure funding, attract investors, or guide internal decision-making.

These plans keep changing as the business improves or changes.


The most common business document is an invoice. It is a document that itemizes the goods or services provided along with the associated cost, payment terms, and other details.

Invoices are used to request payment from customers or clients.

Businesses also ask to raise an invoice when they need to pay out for the services or goods they purchased.

It helps keep better track of financial transactions in a company.

Purchase Order

Purchase can be done on both sides, i.e., either the company purchases the goods or the company takes the purchase order to offer the goods to their clients and customers.

It is a document used to initiate a transaction between a buyer and a seller, such as if you’re buying from a supplier like MACH Technologies.

Such a document outlines the details of the purchase, including the products or services being purchased, the quantity, and the price.


A contract is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business agreement between two parties.

It is used to formalize the relationship between customers, suppliers, partners, and other stakeholders.

Usually, employees are also bound by the contract they sign at the very beginning of the joining period.

In the case of necessity, the contract act as legal proof.

Business Proposal

A business proposal is a document that outlines a plan or idea for a project or a business. Such a document typically involves details about the costs, benefits and potential risks.

A proposal is often prepared by companies to seek funding, partnerships, or other forms of support.

Here, they present their plans, strategies, and goals to make it successful.


A memo (short form of memorandum) is a brief written communication used to convey information within an organization. Typically, memos communicate updates, announcements, or requests.

It is prepared for everyone working inside the organization.


A report is a document that provides an analysis or summary of data, research, or other information that is relevant to a business or industry. Reports are often used to inform decision-making, evaluate performance or communicate findings.

Reports cover a wide range of topics and can be written in different formats depending on the purpose and audience.

Some common types of reports are business reports, project reports, research reports, and technical reports.

Reports tend to be well-researched and include appropriate citations and references to support the findings.

Financial Statement

It is a document summarizing the financial activity of a business. It includes revenue, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity. Such documents are to be used to evaluate how well the company is performing in terms of finance.

It is a document determining the profit or loss of a business.

Employment Handbook

A document that outlines the policies, procedures and expectations for employees in a company is called Handbook. It is a document prepared to establish and communicate standards for behavior, performance and conduct the employers are expecting from their employees.

It is provided to an employee during the onboarding process and serves as a guidebook for companies’ policies and procedures.

It includes a range of topics including:

  • Company mission, vision and values
  • Employee benefits and compensation
  • Employment classifications
  • Employee conduct and performance expectations
  • Anti-discrimination and harassment policies
  • Health and safety policies
  • Time off policies
  • Code of ethics and standards of conduct

Business Correspondence

Business correspondence is a general term for written communication between businesses. It includes emails, letters, proposals and memos.

Effective business correspondence should be clear, concise, and professional. It conveys information in a way that is easy to understand and appropriate for the employees.

It is used to facilitate communication and collaboration within and between organizations.

It plays an important role in the day-to-day operations of a business from facilitating communications and promoting collaboration to supporting decision-making.

Wrapping Up

This sums up our list of the 10 most common business documents used in the Workplace.

While there are many more documents used in the business, these 10 are the most common types and almost all businesses have these documents.

In many cases, businesses hire websites to write a paper, i.e., ask them to prepare various documents taking an insight into their business goals and value.

We suggest learning about these common business documents to have a better idea of the functioning of an organization.

This article was provided by Laura Fields