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So, is using AI okay when you want to build a business? The short answer is yes, it’s perfectly fine to use AI. But there are some caveats, and it all depends on how you use AI instead and whether you choose to embrace it or not. Here, we will shed some light on this subject.

Enhanced Market Research

AI has been around for a while but gained wide public attention during 2023 as OpenAI and ChatGPT burst onto the generative AI scene. One of the best and most contested uses of AI is data analysis. If you have ever wondered how to use AI for Instagram marketing, the data analysis features of AI systems are a Godsend. For example, you don’t have the time to pour over comments about your brand. AI systems such as Mention can do this work for you.

A Much Faster Workflow

One of the best use cases for AI is enhanced productivity. Whether you use AI to send out newsletters, create reports, or even create artwork, there is no denying it can help speed things up. AI tools can help as the basis for specific projects on which you can expand. Most people will be aware of AI content if you straight up copy it without editing. But it is an excellent way to begin with a foundation upon which to build. This can help speed up the start of a project.

Is Using AI OK for Content?

As mentioned above, AI content is somewhat lacking and is noticeable to most people. As good as modern generative AI systems are, they aren’t perfect. For example, AI artwork is notoriously bad at fine details such as fingers. But it is getting better. There is no right or wrong way to answer this, and around 75% of companies surveyed stated they have tried generative AI for business in 2023. Many decided not to use it. Copying AI-generated content isn’t good enough.

Finding Ideas When You’re Stuck

AI still has a long way to go when it comes to content generation. However, systems such as Midjourney, Perplexity, and ChatGPT are improving all the time. It won’t be too long before we can’t tell the difference. However, even though there are some telltale signs of AI use, it is excellent for ideation. It can be challenging to come up with solid ideas all the time, and AI can provide a little nudge in the right direction. This is good for blog title ideas, trends, and content.

Doing Things You Aren’t Good At

Arguably, the best use of AI is to do something you cannot. For example, think about what goes into setting up a blog. You need a logo, right? But you may not be an artist. You could hire an artist, but that’s pretty expensive. What’s the alternative? Do it yourself? No thanks! There are tons of AI art tools for just this thing. Even Canva now has an AI system for generating things like YouTube thumbnails from a text description. This saves a lot of time, money, and stress!


Data analysis for market research can be done by AI. So, is AI OK in this case? Of course. You can also use AI to create ideas and content and do things you aren’t able to do yourself.